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lxqt-powermanagement Daemon used for power management and auto-suspend
lxtask Lightweight desktop-independent task manager
m1n1 Bootloader for Apple Silicon
macchina Basic system information fetcher
magicrescue Recover files from a block device by scanning for magic bytes
manifold SMF service manifest creation tool
mate-notification-daemon Notification daemon for MATE desktop
mate-power-manager Power manager for MATE
mate-sensors-applet MATE Sensors applets
mate-system-monitor MATE system monitor
mbmon Motherboard monitoring utility
mc User-friendly file manager and visual shell
mc46 User-friendly file manager and visual shell (old 4.6 branch)
mcollective Framework to build server orchestration
mdf2iso Utility to convert Alcohol 120% images to ISO-9660 format
memtester Utility for testing the memory subsystem for faults
memtestplus Thorough, stand alone memory test for x86 arch
mencvcd Script for converting movie files into (S)VCD format
menu-cache Cache for menu spec
meson-tools Firmware packaging tools for Amlogic Meson ARM SoCs
mesure Tool to measure different kind of streams
mgm Moaning Goat Meter
mklivecd Make your own NetBSD/x86 Live CD-ROM/DVD-ROM
mkmemstick Create a memory stick image from NetBSD Installation CDs
mksunbootcd Combines filesystems for Sun computers to make bootable CD-ROM images
mktemp Small program for safe temporary file and directory creation
monit Monitors processes, files, directories and devices
monitoring API with DSL feel to write monitoring daemons in Python
mrsync Multicast data replication and synchronisation tool
mtools FAT (MS-DOS, Atari) disk access tools
mtoolsfm Easy MS-DOS disk access without learning MS-DOS commands
mtscan Magtape scanner - reports record and file-mark structure
mtx Control SCSI media changer devices
munin-common Common components between a munin node and master
munin-master System monitoring tool, master version
munin-node System monitoring tool, client version
nagios-plugin-ldap (V) Nagios ldap plugin
nagios-plugin-mysql (V) Nagios mysql plugin
nagios-plugin-pgsql (V) Nagios pgsql plugin
nautilus Simple file manager for GNOME
navi Interactive cheatsheet tool for the CLI and application launchers
nbase NetBSD userlevel portable to other UNIX-like systems
ncdu Disk usage visualization tool
ndesk-dbus C# implementation of dbus
ndesk-dbus-glib C# implementation of dbus - GLib integration
neb-wipe Secure disk partition eraser
neofetch Command-line system information tool
netbt-hcidump Bluetooth packet analyzer (netbt version)
news System V news(1)
nnn Optimized, feature-packed terminal file manager
node_exporter Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics
noice Small curses-based file browser
notification-daemon Shows notification messages on the desktop
nrg2iso Converts Nero Burning Roms to ISO images
ntfsprogs Linux-NTFS project utilities for the Windows NT Filesystem
nvnet Driver for nVidia ethernet
nvramtool Coreboot CMOS NVRAM manipulation utility
oak System log reporting tool
onefetch Git repository summary on your terminal
open-vm-tools Open source VMware tools
openipmi User-level library that provides a higher-level abstraction of IPMI
openstack_init Autoconfigure NetBSD VM on OpenStack
openxenmanager Open source XenServer/Xen Cloud Platform interface
osname Print canonical name of operating system
ovmf Sample UEFI firmware for virtual machines
p5-BackupPC-XS Perl utility functions for sysutils/backuppc
p5-collectd Statistics collection daemon - perl plugin
p5-Config-Augeas Edit configuration files through Augeas C library
p5-Config-Simple Simple configuration file class
p5-Daemon-Generic Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon
p5-File-chmod Perl API-Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
p5-File-Copy-Recursive Perl extension for recursively copying files and directories
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced Recursive copying of files and directories
p5-File-DirCompare (V) Perl module to compare two directories using callbacks
p5-File-DirSync (V) Perl5 module to synchronize two directories rapidly
p5-File-Inplace Perl module for in-place editing of files
p5-File-Remove Remove files and directories
p5-Filesys-Df Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-DfPortable Perl extension for filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-Statvfs Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Gnome2-VFS Perl bindings for the Gnome virtual file system
p5-GTop Perl interface to libgtop
p5-IO-BufferedSelect Perl buffered version of select interface that operates on lines
p5-IO-KQueue Perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
p5-Lchown Perl5 module interface to the lchown() system call
p5-Linux-Inotify2 Scalable directory/file change notification
p5-Mac-AppleScript Perl 5 module to execute applescript commands on OS X
p5-Mac-AppleScript-Glue Perl 5 module allowing AppleScript to be written in Perl
p5-Monitoring-Plugin Family of perl modules for monitoring plugins
p5-Parse-Syslog Perl5 module for parsing Unix syslog files
p5-Quota Perl interface to filesystem quotas
p5-Server-Starter Perl 5 superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
p5-SSH-Batch Cluster operations based on parallel SSH, set and interval arithmetic
p5-Sys-CPU Perl 5 module for getting CPU information
p5-Sys-CpuLoad Module to retrieve system load averages
p5-Sys-Filesystem Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long Try to get the full hostname in Perl
p5-Sys-SigAction Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
p5-Sys-Utmp Object(ish) Interface to UTMP files
p5-Unburden-Home-Dir Automatically unburden HOME directory from caches etc